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Plusquam Deluxe III (compiled by Don Vitalo)

Категория: House, Progressive, Techno
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Plusquam Deluxe III (compiled by Don Vitalo)
Лейбел: Plusquam
Стиль: Tech House, Progressive House, Techno
Дата выхода: 18.09.2011
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps / 44100Hz / Joint Stereo
Продолжительность: 154:17 мин
Треки: 20
Размер: ~355 МБ


01. Alex Dolby - Polarity
02. Andrea Bertolini - Eazy (Pig & Dan remix)
03. Astronivo - True To Nature (Shik Stylko remix)
04. Dima Gafner & Garry Lachman - Swing 82 (Weekend Heroes remix)
05. Duca - 1234
06. Duca - Babylon
07. Duca - Home (Umek remix)
08. Eitan Carmi - Deep Air (C-Jay remix)
09. Fitalic - Far East (Angel Stoxx & Phatjak remix)
10. JunkDNA - Live Or Die (Roy Rosenfeld remix)
11. Khainz - Detector (Kink Beats edit)
12. Kino Oko - Lovely Serenade (Eelke Kleijn remix)
13. Panda Boys - Missed Chance (Nicholas Van Orton remix)
14. Popof - Serenity (Luetzenkirchen remix)
15. Presslaboys - Ecceccazz (Trancefeld remix)
16. Re-Zone & Zmey - Beautiful Day Friday (Thomas Penton remix)
17. RPO - Industry (Perfect Stranger remix - part 2)
18. Sebastien Leger - Indian Shot
19. U-Prag & DJ Slater & Flippers - King Of The Night (Koen Groeneveld remix)
20. WeKi - Golem (Oliver Klein & Peter Juergens remix)
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20.09.2011, 12:02
Теги: techno, Tech House, Progressive House | Просмотров: 898 | Добавил: funkerman
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